A webmail app lets you send out and receive messages via a web browser without having to set up an email address in a program such as Outlook or Thunderbird. When you take a trip, for instance, you can check your emails from an Internet café and you will not need to download, install or configure anything at all. Webmail apps are advanced enough to present you with a number of options such as using an address book or making folders that will later come in your e mail app. As a webmail software works with the messages within the server, it is important that you employ the IMAP protocol if you configure an e-mail account on your desktop. You can still use webmail if you pick POP, but old messages will not be available due to the fact that they will have been downloaded on the PC. You can take advantage of webmail provided that there is any email set up in your website hosting account and using an email app before being able to use webmail is not a requirement, so you're able to control your electronic communication completely from a browser.