Website visitor stats are a fundamental part of any website hosting service. The amount of individuals which have been to your Internet site can supply you with more details on how it's performing and will show you if you should work on improving it. The web stats for a site include the daily and the monthly visits (unique and reloads), the most visited webpages and the referrer Internet sites, so if you notice that a number of webpages are getting significantly less website traffic than others, you may consider making them more captivating to the visitors to use the entire potential of your website. When you are advertising on the web, you shall be able to see if the money was well-invested or not, since the web stats usually feature info about third-party sites and search engines which refer visitors to your Internet site. Having detailed and reliable stats can help you boost your site and plan your advertising and marketing strategies more effective, in order to get more potential customers.
Web & FTP Statistics in Cloud Website Hosting
The Webalizer and AWStats applications, included with all cloud website hosting plans, will provide you with detailed by the hour, daily and monthly reports about the number of site visitors on any website hosted within your account. You can access this information with a few clicks in the Hepsia CP and see neat graphs and tables. You may save/download them, if necessary. The reports offer a lot more than simply the total number of visits, though - you can keep tabs on how much time the site visitors spent on your Internet site, the first and the last page they opened, the web pages that got most hits, the visitors’ IPs and country, the referring search engines, the keywords which were used, and so on. This information offers you a much better perception of how your websites are performing and what parts have to be improved, as well as info about the consequences of any advertising campaigns you may be running.