VPN, which is an abbreviation for Virtual Private Network, is a service that allows you to circumvent any restrictions by country which websites or online services could have. With this service, your Internet connection goes through a third-party server, so you connect only to it and every website you open is accessed using the hosting server Internet protocol address, making it a proxy. As your true Ip address or location are never disclosed, using a Virtual private network will also increase your security when you access any content on the Internet as it will appear that the VPN hosting server is the one opening a website, for example, and not you directly. That way you can open content that's restricted either by the provider which offers it or by your Internet provider. We provide you with Virtual private network access through numerous locations around the globe as part of all of our website hosting packages and if your websites are accommodated on our servers, you could employ this service without having to pay anything on top of the hosting fee.
VPN Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting
You'll find the Virtual private network settings that you will need to use in your client in the Hepsia Control Panel, which is provided with all our cloud website hosting plans. In the very same section you could also see all hosting machines which we have all over the world, so you could choose the one you need and any time you access any online content, it'll appear as if you're in the United States, Canada, Europe, and so forth. We keep including hosting servers from different locations on a regular basis to offer you as much freedom to surf online content as possible. For your convenience, we have also added a Virtual private network filter, which blocks ads and other graphics. This shall enable you to load internet sites faster without spending traffic on content that you don't need. Via our Virtual private network service you'll be able to easily access social networks, streaming services, blogs and any other content material that might not be accessible within your country or is blocked by your Internet provider for whatever reason.