Every time you buy a brand new hosting account, your payment is processed, the account is set up and as automated as the entire process may be, there are always smaller things that are handled manually. For every virtual or a dedicated server there are even more things to be done because these kinds of web hosting usually require a manual assembly, software installation and configuration, checking the server platform to ensure that everything's working the way it should, etc. To cover the expenses for the time and efforts all these tasks take, a lot of companies call for a one-time set-up charge to be paid by their clients on top of the price for the cloud website hosting. The charge often is valid for every new hosting account being ordered and it is rarely mentioned on the company’s web site, however it would appear on your checkout page.
Setup Fee in Cloud Website Hosting
If you get a cloud website hosting package from us, the end price that you'll have to pay throughout the checkout will be identical to the one you've already noticed on the main page as well as on every other page on our web site. The payment processing as well as the account creation on our advanced cloud hosting platform are close to completely automatic, that's why we consider that charging you any kind of installation fees whatsoever will be rather unreasonable. Even if you acquire several accounts at once, you won't have to spend any money for the installation or for any other kind of concealed costs for that matter. It is our principle that being honest to every single customer from the beginning is way more important than getting a few more dollars.